South Carolina Licensing Overview for Manicurists and Nail Technicians

Licensing for manicurists and nail technicians in South Carolina is controlled by the South Carolina Board of Cosmetology.

General Guidelines for Manicurists and Nail Technicians in South Carolina

Specific requirements to perform manicures and nail services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.

Who’s allowed to perform these services?

Nail Technician

Requirements and license preparation for manicurists and nail technicians

The nail technician school requirement is the first hurdle you will need to clear to qualify for a license in South Carolina. You will need to enroll in a school approved by the state’s Board of Cosmetology that offers a program consisting of at least 300 hours of manicurist courses.

Your nail technician courses must include:

Nail technology – 105 hours
Sanitation and safety – 75 hours
Artificial nails – 50 hours
Anatomy and physiology – 30 hours
Power equipment – 25 hours
State law – 15 hours

You can find resources for completing the manicurist school requirement through the South Carolina Association of Cosmetology Schools.

To be eligible for licensure you will need to be at least 16 years of age with at least a 10th grade education.

Once you complete your manicurist school it will issue a Nail Technician Training Affidavit. This will be used later when you apply for your nail technician exams.

What’s the state licensing site for manicurists and nail technicians?

South Carolina Board of Cosmetology

What are some training programs available for manicurists and nail technicians?

See training programs

How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

Renews every two years.

What are fees associated with licensing?

For fees, licensing duration and renewal details check with local governing body.


South Carolina