Oregon Licensing Overview for Manicurists and Nail Technicians
Licensing for manicurists and nail technicians in Oregon is controlled by the Oregon State Board of Cosmetology .
General Guidelines for Manicurists and Nail Technicians in Oregon
Specific requirements to perform manicures and nail services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.
Who’s allowed to perform these services?
Nail Technician
Requirements and license preparation for manicurists and nail technicians
There are two types of Nail Technician schools in Oregon that are recognized by the state board of cosmetology:
Private career schools – these nail technician schools will include a curriculum of at least 350 hours plus an additional 250 hours in career development, safety, and infection control.
Competency-based programs – if you already have experience in the field of nail technology you can choose a competency-based program that will allow you to challenge certain manicurist courses and skip portions of the curriculum once you test-out of these.
Your curriculum will include nail technician courses that cover:
Instructions in nail technology
Artificial nail techniques
Manicure and pedicure
Natural nail care
Hand and foot massage
Safety and sanitation
Career development
What’s the state licensing site for manicurists and nail technicians?
Oregon State Board of Cosmetology
What are some training programs available for manicurists and nail technicians?
How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?
renews every two years.
What are fees associated with licensing?
Check with local governing body for current fees.