Overview of Growing a Career as a Medical Esthetician
A medical esthetician specializes in the skin care of people in medical settings. Unlike estheticians who typically work within a spa or a salon, medical estheticians are typically trained to work alongside other medical professionals, meaning they have more training to complete light-based and laser-based treatments and procedures. Medical estheticians work with their patients to help rejuvenate skin, treat skin conditions, heal and treat skin traumas such as scars, and to slow the appearance of aging skin. These skincare specialists often work within the field of plastic surgery, dermatology, medical spas and other institutions.
How Much do Medical Estheticians Earn?
The pay scale for medical estheticians varies greatly, depending on the qualifications of the professional, the location, hours worked, type of business and state regulations. The Bureau of Labor Statistics have stated however, that medical estheticians typically earn between $32,000-$52,000 per year.
Requirements for a Medical Esthetician
Research is the most important step to undertake when you are beginning any new career. One of the essential things to consider are the legal requirements for becoming a medical esthetician. This includes conducting thorough research into important aspects such as licensing and certification to ensure you are covered and providing the best service to your clients as possible. This is going to change depending on your own personal circumstances, so make sure you are specific in your inquiries. This can be an overwhelming process, and it may determine the path that you choose to take and where you are able to work. It is always best to ensure that you have an adequate support system in place to help you understand the requirements of the profession moving forward such as online communities.
Growing Your Career as a Medical Esthetician
It is a requirement for all medical estheticians to receive industry-specific training before they can begin their career. This can be a long and daunting process, but with commitment, students will develop the skills they need to become successful and happy in their chosen career paths. Networking communities and associations are an important resource to utilize when you are beginning to grow as an artist. Industry-specific communities such as these offer insight into trade secrets, as well as provide opportunities to grow one’s business opportunities. These types of groups exist to allow industry-specific professionals to build one another up in a competitive world, creating a sense of community that come together to support one another in celebrating each other’s successes as industry professionals in the field of beauty.