Beal College Overview

In the event that you want to help other people who are battling with substance addiction, consider Beal College’s Addiction Counseling program, intended to start in the diploma program, advance to associate degree and further finish a bachelor degree while working in the field.

You know the devastation addiction can cause, and you trust you can help other people empower themselves. Perhaps you’ve overcome addiction yourself, and have gotten more grounded for having endured it. You have the willpower, now all you need is training and you’ll be headed to beginning a satisfying profession as an Addiction Counselor.

Training Programs at Beal College

  • Addiction Counseling – Diploma
  • Addiction Counseling – Associate’s Degree
  • Addiction Counseling – Bachelor of Science Degree
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Beal College


Bangor, ME