Vermont Licensing Overview for Manicurists and Nail Technicians
Licensing for manicurists and nail technicians in Vermont is controlled by the Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists .
General Guidelines for Manicurists and Nail Technicians in Vermont
Specific requirements to perform manicures and nail services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.
Who’s allowed to perform these services?
Nail Technician
Requirements and license preparation for manicurists and nail technicians
Vermont requires you to complete a series of nail technician courses that total at least 400 clock hours. Vermont’s approved nail technician schools are located in:
South Burlington
Essex Junction
As part of your education requirements you will complete a curriculum that includes these courses:
Manicuring and pedicuring
Nail drill
Nails – acrylic, gels, tips, wrap applications, and repairs
Liquid and powder brush-ons for acrylic nails
Sanitation and sterilization techniques; waste storage areas
Personal health and hygiene
Safe chemical use, storage, and disposal
Vermont laws, rules, and regulations
Professional ethics
In Vermont you can only be issued a manicurist license if you are at least 18 years of age and have completed high school or a GED program.
What’s the state licensing site for manicurists and nail technicians?
Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
What are some training programs available for manicurists and nail technicians?
How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?
Renews by November 30 in odd-numbered years.
What are fees associated with licensing?
For fees, licensing duration and renewal details check with local governing body.